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Pony In The Barn!!! (JT SOARS actually)

1. Straight up, please tell us about these animal masks. How did this come about and what is the context behind this wild menagerie?

The masks are more about putting ourselves and the audience into a charged situation. When you put on a mask and hit the stage you have the freedom to become something different than just a person in a band, to access a different energy in yourself and amp that up. It’s like a ritual, the kind of thing humans have been doing all through history; we put the masks on and get the music going and it makes the whole room into a magic space where everybody can tap into that power together.


2. When did you start playing together and how did you meet each other? 

Ponyland came about in 2017, when me and Frankie were living with a bunch of creative people in a forest off grid. There were always projects on the go and things being built, and we would throw some big parties. We made a band to play at those and also started a parody folk band that did Beyonce banjo covers! The Ponyland idea stuck, and the DIY spirit of that time hopefully comes through in our live shows still.


3. What are the main musical influences across the band? What do you guys listen to on the road?

System of a Down, Lightning Bolt, Crash Worship, Animal Collective, Hardcore, Psych, Jazz, Godzilla’s theme tune, Pop-Punk and Doom Metal


4. Your first record Mora Mora came out in 2019. I've been listening to it a lot recently, it's brilliant and I'm really looking forward to Hare Brains. What sort of differences and treats can we expect from this new release five years on?

That first record definitely sounds like a band trying to pull together a lot of different ideas to make something new, like somebody in a post-apocalyptic movie making a car out of junk. It was great, and we love and still play those songs, but this new record is leaner, tighter, and harder. We’re stripping down the sound into it’s pure essence; loud, riffy, strange and colourful. Maybe now this person has ditched their car and found a speedboat that glides through lakes of toxic waste.  


5. Two drummers then. How does this work logistically? How did this come about and what sort of episodes has this brought on? Any nightmare load ins that you can recall?

We love load ins it keeps us fit and healthy! We have always had two drummers set up at the front of the stage or on the floor as close to the audience as possible. It has always just felt like it should have more drums, we once did a gig with three drummers in a small market town called Penrith, it went off!!

6. I first came across you guys playing a dream gig with Bethlehem Casuals and Ask My Bull in Manchester a few years ago. You must be excited about playing with some cool bands on the road again, who are you keen to see?

Yeah we are looking forward to checking out all the support bands, so far they have all been sick. Tiva in Kendal, Psychic Lemon in Chelmsford, Monet in Bristol and Fukashima Dolphin in Brighton.


7. What do you enjoy about the Newcastle scene most, favourite bands and venues?

Newcastle has a great noise scene with lots of mint bands playing at the Lubber fiend, Star and Shadow and Cobalt, our favourite North East band is Obviously Yes Grasshopper. HA!


8. Anything else you'd like to talk about or plug?

Yes Grasshopper has a vinyl out on Inverted Grim Mill Recordings go check it out!

I'm Not From London and Eelshock will pe putting Ponyland on this Thursday at JT Soar, Moonnbullet and DimBulbs will be supporting- come see em (and please share this article if you liked it)

Interview conducted by Al Judkins

Join and share the FB here!

£10 advance, £12 on the door - advance tickets here!


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